Monday, April 29, 2019

Myles Powers
April 29, 2019
8:18 p.m.

Day 1:
Today was my first day in the office, so I was a little nervous when I first walked in. Diane introduced me to the three patients in the office and walked me through the different exercises, as well as the ultra-sound and stim treatments. As patients kept coming in, I became more comfortable around them, and learned about their lives and the injuries/recovery they were going through. Today's most popular body part was the knee, since there were three patients with knee injuries. One in which was a farmer, who recently had surgery about a month and a half ago, but was already up and working to keep his farm running. He is very easy to work with due to his mindset to keep on working, and is progressively getting better and better. As the day moved on, the injuries continued to differ, and I got to learn more about the recovery process of different injury locations. I am looking forward to tomorrow, as I get to start working with more patients and build a relationship with people around the community.

Today's Hours: 4
Total Hours: 4

1 comment:

  1. Such a good first day! I am sure you will meet a lot of good people over there and learn so much about rehab!


Myles Powers May 21, 2019 10:59 a.m. Day 17: Today I did not go into the office because I finished up my hours in there, but I also nee...